Academic shoot pictures.

Photo 1 = top left corner
photo 2 = top right
photo 3 = bottom left

1. I used rule of thirds in picture one and two as well as simplicity, Photo three has balance I guess. But the picture is just bad and needs editing. Picture could be much better if it was framed better. I was shooting for just a picture of a kid working next to a window. But I ended up getting not enough kid or window. I think photo 1 achieved everything I was going for when I took it.

2. The subject of all are the the students in the photos. It wasn't smart to have the same kid in 2 photos. Photo 2 works pretty well because there is not much else but the kid in the photo. My eye goes right to him when I look at it. On photo 3 there is no clear subject because there are so many things in the picture and it looks very cluttered.

3. On photo 1 and 2 it is easy to tell what the subject is, not so much on three. 3 needs to be cropped.
Photo 2 I very close to being cool but the picture is not framed well.

4. 3 needs editing to better focus on the subject. I also could have done a better job on number 2. If got closer to the kid in picture 2 it could have had a smaller scale and been a more simple picture. Picture 3 just needs a subject in general.


  1. I feel like the top left or bottom left could've been different people for more variety and the top right could've been moved more right to get the table in the picture because the windows are a bunch of open space. Otherwise good job.


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