Extra Credit First 6 weeks

1. I think his pictures are very cool, but I don't understand how showing heavily edited yet great pictures of African animals shows there grander. They are amazing enough to simply show them how they really are. I have never seen photos like that before and they are certainly creative. 

2. He does a very good job of showing the family bonds these animals have. Most people only see the predator side of them. This picture uses rule of thirds and simplicity well.

3. He uses simplicity, rule of thirds, and even had a good merger. The picture shows exactly what it needs to, and we know what the rest of the lion looks like so just focusing on the head helps to keep it simple as well as applying rule of thirds.

4. "Using a Pentax 67II with two fixed lenses, Brandt photographed on medium-format black and white film without telephoto or zoom lenses." He wanted to truly capture the animals spirt by getting in close.

5. He fears the creatures of Africa will be gone soon and he wants to show them for how they really are.

6. He wants to raise awareness about the shrinking world of these animals.

7. Nick hopes that people seeing this will realize how important it is that these animals are preserved and slow down on industrializing Africa. Allowing them to continue roaming free.



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