4 websites

The website gave tips on how to take good and creative self portraits. It showed examples of different self-portrait.
1.  I chose this photo because I like the contrast of the light and dark.
2. It uses simplicity and rule of thirds.
3. This photo was taken by MorkiRo

The Website had a collection of photos, the subjects of these photos were all the oldest of their kind. For instance a shrub that is 2000 years old. It also tells some backstory about the photos and the photographers reasons for taking them.

2. Sometimes the backstory of the photo can be far more interesting the photo itself. The photographer takes simple photos of plants and formations that are thousands of years old.

3. The website was made to advertise his book. It acts as a sample and a way to purchase his book.

 This website shows 6 types of photos that every photographer should know how to take. These range from forced perspective to a 360 panorama photo.

1. I thought this photo was awesome, It has a story of its own. It is also super weird to look at.

2. The rule used in this photo is simplicity.

3. The photo was taken by Brian Tomlinson


This website has a projector that can make a forest look very cool.

1. A projector put 3d light onto a flat surface.

2.  The video was made by photographer Tarek Mawad and animator Friedrich van Schoor

3. They wanted to see if it was possible. After 6 weeks they finaly were able to make the video.

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